Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Role!

I'll be starting on a new role on 27Feb12.

Actually I had gone for the interview the week before Christmas, and they offered the role a couple of weeks ago.

I had taken 4 days to deliberate over the offer. During which I had to take into consideration the following factors:
  1. My very nice professors whom I'm supporting that makes it very hard for me to leave them
  2. The new role that would have irregular working hours (while the program is running)
  3. The fact that I would have to travel on the new job
  4. The regular hours that I am enjoying now
  5. The not too significant pay raise
But all in all, I decided to take the leap to take up the new role. Fly or die!

And when my manager had to inform them that I am moving on, Nils went: "Then I should retract my positive reviews for Connie. Her support has been very poor, so she got to stay as my assistant." He's such a funny fellow!! 

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