As mentioned
previously, I have been to quite a number of places in the first half of 2009. This was because of the fact that my boss wanted the workers to clear their leave in view of the bad economy.
Just came down from Mount Kinabalu. Place was nice, temperature was great, people I met there, friendly! Climb up and down the mountain? Priceless!

I took 6 hours to climb up to the 'base camp', and another 3 hours up to Low's Peak. But, took 7 hours to head down to the bottom of the mountain. My knees totally gave way, even while walking on flat ground. =(
Although there was white water rafting on the travel itinerary, none of us was able to drag ourselves out of the bed for it. Every step hurt, and I do mean seriously HURT. I only managed to be able to climb up and down the stairs without wincing at the pain 4 days after the climb down.
BUT, I plan on heading up again yearly next year, to do the harder
Via Ferrata. And I want to beat my time up the mountain. Call me sadist, but I crave for the challenge. =)