LIVE - Stop a moment. Look around. Reflect. Appreciate the present. Look forward to an exciting future. Take risks. Enjoy life. Learn to live easy and think easy. We humans complicate life too much at times. Just LIVE.
LOVE - A simple act of love is what it takes to make the world a better place. Telling your mum you love her, despite her endless nagging and complaining. Telling your friends you love them, despite them not being there all the time when you need them. Telling your partner you love them, despite the ocassional arguments and heartaches. When we learn how to love, we become better people. Just LOVE.
LAUGH - Laugh at yourself if you need to. Being too hard on yourself only leads to more negativity. Don't ponder too much on your mistakes or life's mishaps. Do not blame it on anyone or anything. Things happen. Move on. It takes lesser energy to be merry than to be grumpy. Just LAUGH.
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