I'm with Singtel now, and I want to change to StarHub!
Reason? Very simple, SingTel is not giving me the service that can keep it at the top of the telco war. I've started to have problems with them the very last time I lost my phone, which would be around Mar08, I think.
With quite a number of problems that I faced with the replacement SIM card, which includes but not limited to:
- Non SMS Sending (I can send an SMS in the morning at 9am and the message is still in out outbox at 6pm)
- Lagging SMS Receiving (People sent SMS to me at 11am, and I only receive the message at 2pm)
- Weak/Lack of reception (I've tried with O2, Nokia phones. No reception)
- Auto restarting of the mobile phone (Have checked, not the mobile phone problem)
That irritated me. But this is not all. Upon contract expiry, all they offered was either: Getting a new phone at a cheaper price or $4 off monthly bill for 24 months. *Note: Both comes with a 2 year contract.
So, a customer of 10 years is only worth $96. Oh well, in that case, I might as well switch over to M1 or StarHub.
M1 has 35% discount when one has 4 lines under the subscriber name.
StarHub? They've got this Choose Freedom program, whereby you choose your Terms and Conditions to jump ship over to join StarHub. Furthermore, there's points accumulation to change for vouchers etc.
Since I'll not be signing for so many lines, StarHub is obviously my choice, and of course, the fact that M1's bills irritate the hell out of me does not help it much either.
Of course, I'd have made my Bid for Freedom already. Today's the day whereby I'll know if I get to switch over to StarHub on my terms, which are as follows:

But one funny thing is... I placed the bid after 14Jul08, while over at the results page it was stated that I would know of the outcome on the 14Jul08... Does it mean that StarHub can turn back the clock?!?
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