Monday, May 31, 2010

Do you want to be a TV?

Read this interesting piece, and I thought I would share with you:

I guess with everyone being self-absorbed and being so busy with other matters instead of those that really matter, we do neglect the ones that we are supposed to be the closest to.

Is there anyone that you want to be a TV to?

Sunday, May 09, 2010

New Toy - Teeter Hang-up Boots!

Nope, it's not my new toy. I cannot buy any new toy for myself for at least the next half year.. =(

Baby has wanted a pair of inversion boots (aka gravity boots) as he wants to relieve the tension that he feels in his back. But due to that fact that he has to take care of his family, his house and his princess, as well as the fact that the boots costs about S$300 here, he has put off buying these boots for quite some time.

So, step in Miss Shopperholic - yours sincerely. While looking to purchase OPI quick-dry for my nail polish, I googled for these items (actually baby asked me to do so - I'm now a personal PA too). Since I have to ship my items back to SGP, so why not purchase these (and some other things) for him? =P

Baby is so pleased with his present, take a look at this:

A gleeful boy with his toy... =)