Don't worry, it's not the food that was poisoned, neither was I jabbed with some poisonous stuff. It's more of a lustful kind of poison. No - I'm not lusting over her, but rather, her LV ZIPPY COIN PURSE!
Look! The object of my (Current) Lust:

And the other options available:

I personally prefer the Canvas version, as well as the Vernis Amarante version... However, I had just recently changed my wallet to a apple red Braun Buffel due to the fact that my classy Pierre Cardin has fallen apart due to the many cards and receipts that I slot at the bills compartment.
Decisions decisions decisions... I guess I'd have to head down to the LV flagship store to see if it does call out to me again! Or hopefully someone can get it for me? The price is about S$455, so maybe I'll have to ask my friend who's overseas at the moment if it's cheaper in the States and to get it if it is? =)