I subscribe to the podcast 'Dilbert Animated Cartoons'. The clips are pretty funny. Here are three that I quite like. Enjoy!
If you can die 1 hour earlier, what can you do?
What is blatant fraud?
So what if you have all the knowledge and skills?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dating Personality
"When I go out and race,
I'm not trying to beat opponents,
I'm trying to beat what I have done
... to beat myself, basically.
People find that hard to believe
because we've had such a bias
to always strive to win things.
If you win something
and you haven't put everything into it,
you haven't actually achieved anything at all.
When you've had to work hard for something
and you've got the best you can out of yourself on that given day,
that's where you get satisfaction from."
- Ian Thorpe
I'm not trying to beat opponents,
I'm trying to beat what I have done
... to beat myself, basically.
People find that hard to believe
because we've had such a bias
to always strive to win things.
If you win something
and you haven't put everything into it,
you haven't actually achieved anything at all.
When you've had to work hard for something
and you've got the best you can out of yourself on that given day,
that's where you get satisfaction from."
- Ian Thorpe
Sunday, July 12, 2009
What Happened to All the Nice Guys?
Read this on my bro's emo-blog. I like it. Doesn't it happen to the girls too? Hmmm...
"What Happened to All the Nice Guys?"
Date: 2007-11-19, 3:52AM PST
I see this question posted with some regularity in the personals section, so I thought I'd take a minute to explain things to the ladies out there that haven't figured it out.What happened to all the nice guys?
The answer is simple: you did.
See, if you think back, really hard, you might vaguely remember a Platonic guy pal who always seemed to want to spend time with you. He'd tag along with you when you went shopping, stop by your place for a movie when you were lonely but didn't feel like going out, or even sit there and hold you while you sobbed and told him about how horribly the (other) guy that you were ****ing treated you.
At the time, you probably joked with your girlfriends about how he was a little puppy dog, always following you around, trying to do things to get you to pay attention to him. They probably teased you because they thought he had a crush on you. Given that his behavior was, admittedly, a little pathetic, you vehemently denied having any romantic feelings for him, and buttressed your position by claiming that you were "just friends." Besides, he totally wasn't your type. I mean, he was a little too short, or too bald, or too fat, or too poor, or didn't know how to dress himself, or basically be or do any of the things that your tall, good-looking, fit, rich, stylish boyfriend at the time pulled off with such ease.
Eventually, your Platonic buddy drifted away, as your relationship with the boyfriend got more serious and spending time with this other guy was, admittedly, a little weird, if you werent dating him. More time passed, and the boyfriend eventually cheated on you, or became boring, or you realized that the things that attracted you to him weren't the kinds of things that make for a good, long-term relationship. So, now, you're single again, and after having tried the bar scene for several months having only encountered players and douche bags, you wonder, "What happened to all the nice guys?"
Well, once again, you did.
You ignored the nice guy. You used him for emotional intimacy without reciprocating, in kind, with physical intimacy. You laughed at his consideration and resented his devotion. You valued the aloof boyfriend more than the attentive "just-a-" friend. Eventually, he took the hint and moved on with his life. He probably came to realize, one day, that women aren't really attracted to guys who hold doors open; or make dinners just because; or buy you a Christmas gift that you mentioned, in passing, that you really wanted five months ago; or listen when you're upset; or hold you when you cry <-- Chivalry is Dead . He came to realize that, if he wanted a woman like you, he'd have to act more like the boyfriend that you had. He probably cleaned up his look, started making some money, and generally acted like more of an asshole than he ever wanted to be.
Fact is, now, he's probably getting laid, and in a way, your ultimate rejection of him is to thank for that. And I'm sorry that it took the complete absence of "nice guys" in your life for you to realize that you missed them and wanted them. Most women will only have a handful of nice guys stumble into their lives, if that.
So, if you're looking for a nice guy, here's what you do:1.) Build a time machine.2.) Go back a few years and pull your head out of your ass.3.) Take a look at what's right in front of you and grab ahold of it.I suppose the other possibility is that you STILL don't really want a nice guy, but you feel the social pressure to at least appear to have matured beyond your infantile taste in men. In which case, you might be in luck, because the nice guy you claim to want has, in reality, shed his nice guy mantle and is out there looking to unleash his cynicism and resentment onto someone just like you.
That is.. if you were five years younger.
So, please: either stop misrepresenting what you want, or own up to the fact that you've ****ed yourself over. You're getting older, after all. It's time to excise the bull**** and deal with reality. You didn't want a nice guy then, and he certainly doesn't ****ing want you, now.
Sincerely,A Recovering Nice Guy
"What Happened to All the Nice Guys?"
Date: 2007-11-19, 3:52AM PST
I see this question posted with some regularity in the personals section, so I thought I'd take a minute to explain things to the ladies out there that haven't figured it out.What happened to all the nice guys?
The answer is simple: you did.
See, if you think back, really hard, you might vaguely remember a Platonic guy pal who always seemed to want to spend time with you. He'd tag along with you when you went shopping, stop by your place for a movie when you were lonely but didn't feel like going out, or even sit there and hold you while you sobbed and told him about how horribly the (other) guy that you were ****ing treated you.
At the time, you probably joked with your girlfriends about how he was a little puppy dog, always following you around, trying to do things to get you to pay attention to him. They probably teased you because they thought he had a crush on you. Given that his behavior was, admittedly, a little pathetic, you vehemently denied having any romantic feelings for him, and buttressed your position by claiming that you were "just friends." Besides, he totally wasn't your type. I mean, he was a little too short, or too bald, or too fat, or too poor, or didn't know how to dress himself, or basically be or do any of the things that your tall, good-looking, fit, rich, stylish boyfriend at the time pulled off with such ease.
Eventually, your Platonic buddy drifted away, as your relationship with the boyfriend got more serious and spending time with this other guy was, admittedly, a little weird, if you werent dating him. More time passed, and the boyfriend eventually cheated on you, or became boring, or you realized that the things that attracted you to him weren't the kinds of things that make for a good, long-term relationship. So, now, you're single again, and after having tried the bar scene for several months having only encountered players and douche bags, you wonder, "What happened to all the nice guys?"
Well, once again, you did.
You ignored the nice guy. You used him for emotional intimacy without reciprocating, in kind, with physical intimacy. You laughed at his consideration and resented his devotion. You valued the aloof boyfriend more than the attentive "just-a-" friend. Eventually, he took the hint and moved on with his life. He probably came to realize, one day, that women aren't really attracted to guys who hold doors open; or make dinners just because; or buy you a Christmas gift that you mentioned, in passing, that you really wanted five months ago; or listen when you're upset; or hold you when you cry <-- Chivalry is Dead . He came to realize that, if he wanted a woman like you, he'd have to act more like the boyfriend that you had. He probably cleaned up his look, started making some money, and generally acted like more of an asshole than he ever wanted to be.
Fact is, now, he's probably getting laid, and in a way, your ultimate rejection of him is to thank for that. And I'm sorry that it took the complete absence of "nice guys" in your life for you to realize that you missed them and wanted them. Most women will only have a handful of nice guys stumble into their lives, if that.
So, if you're looking for a nice guy, here's what you do:1.) Build a time machine.2.) Go back a few years and pull your head out of your ass.3.) Take a look at what's right in front of you and grab ahold of it.I suppose the other possibility is that you STILL don't really want a nice guy, but you feel the social pressure to at least appear to have matured beyond your infantile taste in men. In which case, you might be in luck, because the nice guy you claim to want has, in reality, shed his nice guy mantle and is out there looking to unleash his cynicism and resentment onto someone just like you.
That is.. if you were five years younger.
So, please: either stop misrepresenting what you want, or own up to the fact that you've ****ed yourself over. You're getting older, after all. It's time to excise the bull**** and deal with reality. You didn't want a nice guy then, and he certainly doesn't ****ing want you, now.
Sincerely,A Recovering Nice Guy
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Love or Lust?
I'm in Love!! Look at this beauty!!

Classic design, (you would have to) auto focus, interchangeable lenses, manual options, what more can you ask for?
Look at some of the photos that have been taken with the beautiful family (of film) of this love. Well, this love is it's in the family to dabble in digital photography.

And guess what? It costs a whopping $7k (brand new) in Singapore!
Dang, anyone wanna buy it for me?

Classic design, (you would have to) auto focus, interchangeable lenses, manual options, what more can you ask for?
Look at some of the photos that have been taken with the beautiful family (of film) of this love. Well, this love is it's in the family to dabble in digital photography.

And guess what? It costs a whopping $7k (brand new) in Singapore!
Dang, anyone wanna buy it for me?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Jay & the Lost Boys
Jay & the Lost Boys features their self created comic strips (I'm only at the beginning, which features 2 guys with 4 fingers), as well as of course, their thoughts on movies etc!
Some interesting excerpts from there are as follows:
10 Top Movies for the Men:
No. 10 - Top Gun
No. 9 - The Firm
No. 8 - Big
No. 7 - Blown Away
No. 6 - Gone in 60 Seconds
No. 5 - 2 Fast 2 Furious
No. 4 - Free Willy
No. 3 - Deep Impact
No. 2 - Double Team
AND the WEINER for RULE 34 issss...
No. 1 - SHAFT
10 Top Movies that sound Homo-Sexually Slanted but are not:
10. Top Gun!
9. Bad Boys
8. The New Guy
7. 12 ANGRYMen
6. GOOD Fellas
5. BangKok Dangerous
4. BRIEF Encounter
3. The BIG Lebowski
2. Bend It Like Beckham
And the Weiner Once Again, resting on its Tall and Mighty Pedestal:
1. SHAFT!!
And of course, not missing out for the Ladies:
10. Snatch
9. The Whole Nine Yards
8. First Blood
7. Orgasmo (what? never heard of it?)
6. 1 Week
5. 28 days later
4. An Inconvenient Truth
3. About A Boy
2. Diamonds are Forever
And taking top spot this week! Women! We know What Women Want!!!
1. The RING (its horror is in every manner intended)
Some interesting excerpts from there are as follows:
10 Top Movies for the Men:
No. 10 - Top Gun
No. 9 - The Firm
No. 8 - Big
No. 7 - Blown Away
No. 6 - Gone in 60 Seconds
No. 5 - 2 Fast 2 Furious
No. 4 - Free Willy
No. 3 - Deep Impact
No. 2 - Double Team
AND the WEINER for RULE 34 issss...
No. 1 - SHAFT
10 Top Movies that sound Homo-Sexually Slanted but are not:
10. Top Gun!
9. Bad Boys
8. The New Guy
7. 12 ANGRYMen
6. GOOD Fellas
5. BangKok Dangerous
4. BRIEF Encounter
3. The BIG Lebowski
2. Bend It Like Beckham
And the Weiner Once Again, resting on its Tall and Mighty Pedestal:
1. SHAFT!!
And of course, not missing out for the Ladies:
10. Snatch
9. The Whole Nine Yards
8. First Blood
7. Orgasmo (what? never heard of it?)
6. 1 Week
5. 28 days later
4. An Inconvenient Truth
3. About A Boy
2. Diamonds are Forever
And taking top spot this week! Women! We know What Women Want!!!
1. The RING (its horror is in every manner intended)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
What Have You Learnt?
I’ve learnt that . . .
- Just one person saying to me, ‘You’ve made my day!’ makes my day.
- Being kind is more important than being right.
- No matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
- Sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
- It’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
- I’ve learned… That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
- To ignore the facts does not change the facts.
- When you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
- Love, not time, heals all wounds.
- The easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.
- Everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
- The less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.
- Life is tough, but I’m tougher.
- Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.
- When you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
- I wish I could have told the people that I love her one more time before they passed away.
- I should keep my words both soft and tender, because tomorrow I may have to eat them.
- A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Pleasurable Reading
I had chanced upon this website after reading the book The Mile Hi! Club.
Well, let's just say that it (the website) made for some pleasurable reading, not the book.
Personally, I do not feel that the book warrants the price of $20+ sold at Kinokuniya.
Those who are under 18, please do not click on the link.
PS: I want to join the Mile High Club!
Well, let's just say that it (the website) made for some pleasurable reading, not the book.
Personally, I do not feel that the book warrants the price of $20+ sold at Kinokuniya.
Those who are under 18, please do not click on the link.
PS: I want to join the Mile High Club!
À la folie... pas du tout
What happens when you love a person?
Or rather, when you love a person too much?

Caught this French movie À la folie... pas du tout (He Love Me, He Loves Me Not), it taught me the dangers of:
Or rather, when you love a person too much?

Caught this French movie À la folie... pas du tout (He Love Me, He Loves Me Not), it taught me the dangers of:
- Jumping into conclusion before seeing the other side of the story
- Loving one (too much) wholeheartedly
No Wonder It Fell in Ranking
Am so irritated by Singapore Changi Airport..
They should update on their website which are e affected shops that are closed for the renovation!
I had arranged for my boss to be terminal 2's starbucks for a meeting.. As I had checked Changi Airport's interactive map and there was nothing specified that it was undergoing renovation, I told my boss n the client that location.
Can you imagine my surprise when my boss texted me and told me that Starbucks is closed for reno?
No wonder the fall to third place for the Wonderful Airport in the World...
They should update on their website which are e affected shops that are closed for the renovation!
I had arranged for my boss to be terminal 2's starbucks for a meeting.. As I had checked Changi Airport's interactive map and there was nothing specified that it was undergoing renovation, I told my boss n the client that location.
Can you imagine my surprise when my boss texted me and told me that Starbucks is closed for reno?
No wonder the fall to third place for the Wonderful Airport in the World...
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Love does not simply mean sating that I Love You, or buying expensive things for the ones you love.
Just yesterday and today, I felt loved.
As Sugar's out of office today running fieldwork, and her Ben went for a earlier lunch (cos no gf, no bf, kidding, just that his team was in a team meeting in the morning, hence no bf for him), I went for a late lunch as usual.
Popped by the shop that I frequent and complained to my lady that I felt tired. And she bought me coffee! It tasted nice, and I appreciated her gesture!

And of course, thanks Sugar for buying the bubble tea yesterday, I had enough pearls to make a necklace even after I finished the milk tea…
Full, I felt... And satisfied, and loved...
Just yesterday and today, I felt loved.
As Sugar's out of office today running fieldwork, and her Ben went for a earlier lunch (cos no gf, no bf, kidding, just that his team was in a team meeting in the morning, hence no bf for him), I went for a late lunch as usual.
Popped by the shop that I frequent and complained to my lady that I felt tired. And she bought me coffee! It tasted nice, and I appreciated her gesture!

And of course, thanks Sugar for buying the bubble tea yesterday, I had enough pearls to make a necklace even after I finished the milk tea…
Full, I felt... And satisfied, and loved...
Monday, July 06, 2009
An Evening With Il Divo?
They're here!! I want to watch their concert!!
They're so good that they make me break out in goose bumps just by listening to them...
This is one of their songs at one of their concerts: Hallelujah
And they're here in Singapore on 21Sep09 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, anybody wanna go with me to watch it? *beams*
They're so good that they make me break out in goose bumps just by listening to them...
This is one of their songs at one of their concerts: Hallelujah
And they're here in Singapore on 21Sep09 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, anybody wanna go with me to watch it? *beams*
Sunday, July 05, 2009
She's Back!
I'm so happy. Darling is back from UK…
Darl, let's go out soon, k? I need my haircut and I've got things to update you!! And I want my souvenir! Lolz! =P
Darl, let's go out soon, k? I need my haircut and I've got things to update you!! And I want my souvenir! Lolz! =P
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Bonus was given out with Jun09's salary.
some of my colleagues are not happy with the amount they received.
Me? I'm glad to get a bonus! =D It might not be as good as 2008's amount, but I can't really blame boss. Blame the economy. =(
some of my colleagues are not happy with the amount they received.
Me? I'm glad to get a bonus! =D It might not be as good as 2008's amount, but I can't really blame boss. Blame the economy. =(
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Prizes, anyone?
At 15, a girl is a SURPRISE.
At 25, she is the RIGHT PRICE.
At 55, she is a DOOR PRIZE, and
At 25, she is the RIGHT PRICE.
At 55, she is a DOOR PRIZE, and
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