Saturday, June 28, 2008
People around her? Surroundings around her? The things that are being said around her? The work that she is doing?
It's the time of the year, whereby I am busy again... Oh yes, third time that I'm doing this, getting ready the company's accounting items in place for the auditor.
Closing of the financial year, appraisals being done, bonuses being given out, people tendering (oh yes, trust me, definitely).
I had once had the same thinking, to say ciao to the company once I've gotten my first bonus. Subsequently, giving myself more excuses to linger around more - to get non-prorated bonus, can't leave the company as when the financial year is closing etc etc etc.
This year? My goal? Running out of excuses, thinking whether it's time to move on... But then again, to ditch the company now, I can't really bear to do so. It's not because of my colleagues, not because of responsibility, but then again, it might be.
Financial wise, yes, it has been a motivating factor. Boss, another deciding factor. Work that is being piled on me, yet another factor. Responsibility, definitely.
I wonder, what would make me go : Argh, screw it all. Boss, I wanna go. Quite a number of times I had wanted to say that, but did not say it in the end. Getting out of the rough patch that I was going through, thanks to those who know better that to pry, but still concerned enough for me.
What then, is the PUSH to make people go? Or the PULL for people to stay?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Was supposed to be there with a date, got changed to another date, and finally settled with my final date: Michelle.
It was a small and cozy event, total of 7 tables (which translated to 70 pax), but think only about 60 people were able to make it, as there was a empty table at the back.
The setting was great, ambiance was fantastic, and the solemnization, absolutely fantastic! I kept grinning from ear to ear, as if I'm the one getting married! haha! =P
Anyway, here're the photos, limited quantity though, photos taken were pretty blur... =( And we 自拍-ed a lot! haha! =P
The Location
The Interesting Concept
The Door Gift
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Life of Lies or a Lie of a Life?
What if the life you are living is being dictated by others?
Have you ever felt that your life is filled with people who have their roles to play but you are not aware of your role to play (or do know know that you are required to play a role)?
This is what happens in The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey.
I totally love this show! If you can, go and watch it! Here's a trailer for the show:
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I've Been Watching You
How much did you watch your parents while growing up? How much did you learn from them?
Found this song composed and sung by Rodney Atkins, Watching You, inspired by his son.
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yes, I know I bought 1TB, which is a lot of memory, which some servers can't even be compared to! haha... But given the way I've got all my barang-barangs, and the fact that I have totally no wish to squeeze with the crowd at a IT fair, I think it would just do... haha! =P
Unfortunately, I've gotta head down to get my qad's birthday present, so it'll be time for human squeeze again! =S
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Saw this on a podcast from iTunes, find it very interesting, a mimed version of Torn, as per performed by David Armand and Natalie Imbruglia.
For other songs that he has mimed, feel free to check out!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rain, Rain, Rain
In the midst of a thunderstorm, which does not have much lightning and thunder, just lots and lots of rain and wind.
I miss this kind of weather, Singapore has not have much of this kind of weather anymore, heavy heavy rain, strong strong wind, and most important, me being home to enjoy the cool, cool weather.
Not only being indoors to enjoy the cool weather brought on by the wind, I also miss being in the rain. The feeling of running through the rain, trying not to get oneself drenched by the rain, while having fun. This, I have yet to experience for a long time. Mainly it's due to the fact that I'd have some form of electronics on myself, be it my ipod or phone.
Rain always makes me feel good, cleansed, lazy... Haha!
Just like the song, 'raindrops Keep Falling' on My Head', absolutely fantastic!
Strong winds, steady sound, cooling weather, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THUNDERSTORMS!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Theory to Live By...
Was at my training yesterday, and something my coach mentioned left a deep impression on me:
Me: Once a guy gets what he wants from a female, that's it already.
Coach: No, when chasing a lady, one must be oneself. He should treat the lady well when she's his girlfriend, and even better when she's his wife.
When chasing a lady, she may not be your girlfriend. Just be yourself, and if she's yours, she's yours.
When she decides to include you in her life, one should be appreciative and cherish it.
When it is her whole life that is being shared, why not take it as if you are taking care of your own life?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Neopets, anyone?
Yes, I do! I was addicted to it while I was in Secondary School, but now I only play the Neopets Stockmarket.
If only I can make the kind of money I made on their stockmarket in the real world, then I'll be a millionaire!

My goal for playing the game now? To have a million neopoints as interest everyday! =)
Friday, June 06, 2008
My Heart Aches...

If I had, given my gambling habits, I would have made $4.5k! ($4k from the Top Prize, and $500 from the Starter Prize!).
This would be able to see me through the GSS, meals, transport and entertainment for at least 3 months!
Argh! *Cluches Heart and faints* haha! =)
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Workplace Friendships

Photo taken CNY 2007... Seems so long ago that I was so carefree and happy, not that I'm not now, just that more stress and more dislikes...
I miss the time when I first joined my current company, before all things happened.
Friends and foes, I've had both. But I'm glad I've met them both, in a SME, which would be much more better compared to a MNC.
Workplace friendships: Assets or Liability?